Trail Blazers Camp IMPACT

In Partnership with

The NJ School of Conservation

A week-long residential camp experience for teens 13-16yrs, who look to make an IMPACT on climate and in their own lives.

You can make an IMPACT!

Introducing an exciting SEL and Outdoor Adventure program with a focus on Climate Change, Emotional Resilience and Activism.

Hosted at the world renowned New Jersey School of Conservation.

Interested in learning more about Trail Blazers at NJSOC? Contact


2024 Program updates coming 3/1 – stay tuned!

Hey future change-makers!
Join us for an unforgettable summer camp experience!


Enjoy outdoor adventures, learn about your part in the fight against climate change and connect with like-minded teens in nature.


Register now to make an IMPACT:

Inspire: Spark your passions for the natural world and to take action to protect it.
Motivate: Get motivated to take an active role in addressing climate change.
Protect: Learn about the importance of protecting our environment and what happens when it’s out of balance.
Adapt: Learn how to adapt to change and become more resilient in the face of environmental challenges.
Cultivate: Cultivate a love for nature and appreciate and care for the natural world and your local community
Transform: Empower yourself to become an agent of change who can transform the world for the better.

Putting tomorrow in Your hands...

Want to take part in something WORLD CHANGING this summer? Welcome to Camp: IMPACT, a Trail Blazers program hosted at NJSOC!

Learning about climate change and the way it impacts our daily lives is critical for the future of our planet and working together is the secret to making a greener tomorrow and building a more sustainable world. As a future leader, you have a unique perspective and can bring new ideas and energy to the fight against climate change – and we want to hear them!

Throughout this week long program you will learn how to be an active participant in caring for our environment and explore the importance of living sustainably and what small changes you can start making today for a healthier tomorrow.

Now – taking care of the planet sounds like a big responsibility, and it is, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it FUN!


Whether its a fulfilling hike or a short stroll, we’ll explore the trails together and appreciate the natural environment upclose.

We’ll share guided nature walks and environmental education lessons with our friends at the NJSOC and each day will be made up of a wide variety of fun outdoor adventure challenges and community projects.

You’ll learn about amazing young activists and the impacts they have had on their local and global communities and in addition to becoming your own influencer of change, you’ll also get to enjoy traditional camp skills like archery, boating and fishing. You’ll learn how to safely build a fire, put up a tent, take an Overnight hike and much, much more, all while making amazing new friends!

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